Driving The Poor Into Caves.


The parochial rag responsible for this piece has clearly been got at by a Kropotkinite collectivist rabble.  The tone of the referenced piece is of course negative , results of the iron will of nature being a “scandal” according to the headline.

The Daily Mail can show signs of being dangerously left wing at times, but at least their angle on the story played up the migrant theme more. Never mind bleeding heart pity for life’s clear losers – It’s important to show grasping foreigners as associated with chaotic filth

The obsessive Manchester Evening News has another piece on the theme today, which I’ll spare you the repulsion of having to see. It’s bemoaning that  “middle class” people are now living in caves and tents as if it’s a bad thing.

Tent cities have been burgeoning phemomena in the US for some time. It is their economic models we should be persuing as all good conservatives are proud to espouse. It’s a stern warning to my Conservative colleagues that UKIP proudly look to such neo liberal models and are reaping the reward.

Caves are simply  sub terranean dwellings for sub humans – life’s clear losers.  The moan about “middle class” people seeing their lives fall apart within months of losing a job is unqualified. Where was their insurance for such an eventuality?

Insurance is one of the great financial industries on which miracles of modern  finance capital, like derivatives markets, are founded. Essentially it is gambling – a bet that something will go wrong. Those who are too shy of the rigours of these markets, or too mean to partake, know what to expect.

The mighty Glencore make heaps of money speculating on food prices – gambling on whether scores of millions may eat or starve. It’s truly inspirational.

No one except the elite is, or should be safe from the threat of ruin. Any alleviation of that threat makes people lazy and complancent in a way that is itself ruinous for the economy.

Thankfully the  middle class can be persuaded that their interests lie in propping up the elite and can easily be persuaded to look on the poor with appropriate disdain.

Although we must convince folk that it is the poor who are responsible for all the money disappearing, they clearly don’t have much to take in reality. As the US again shows, the middle class need to be squeezed, hammered and patronised. History shows us this works very well with little meaningful resistance.

Tough times demand tough sacrifices. Providence, destiny, God…call it what you will, it has decreed that some are superior and it must remain that way.

It is only the foul advance of liberalism that robbed many peoples of the notion of The Divine Right Of Kings. We may never fully win that back, but we must do all in our power to bolster the elites that exist.

About watermelonbloke

Policital / community activist (community, mutual aid, environment, animal rights, activist support, anti racism, anti corporate, anti cuts, things like that) In and out of context of above stuff: Green Party activist - on committee of north west regional party (note: This is NOT a party or party plugging blog. I have not been a candidate for 4 years and don't anticipate being one in at least the next 4) Musician - Plenty of of pro experience, mostly jazz and folk but rock / pop / soul etc all fine and groovy, just tell me the tune and I'd hope to be up and running on minimum fuss. Piano, accordian, vox. Teacher - about 16 years in schools, FE, Adult Ed, private tuition, workshops etc. Qualified in music but lots of random subjects done in supply.
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1 Response to Driving The Poor Into Caves.

  1. paul says:

    Ask nanny to teach you how to spell.

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